MECHABEY Mechanical Bey

Price in points: 3960 points
Out of stock


What is MechaBey

◆Based on Modo2, which was thoroughly researched for its ease of string winding, rotational endurance, and offensive and defensive capabilities during battles, this is a battle-oriented Mecha-Bay with a "sword" written by a calligrapher with the soul of a fighter. Thoroughly researched conventional BEGOMA, it further evolves and incorporates elements that make it stronger in BEGOMA battles.

◆This is the world's best 10-minute spinning ultra-precision mechanical beigoma, carefully produced one by one from stainless steel round bar material using CNC complex cutting machine. The Mechanical Bay BT37 series is a state-of-the-art machine made by cutting and machining. The BT37 series is manufactured with the technology developed by MECHABAY, and is covered by two patents (cord winding structure and weight adjustment structure) and design registration of MECHABAY.

◆The bobbin structure and non-slip groove in the lower part of the body prevents the string from slipping. The bobbin structure and non-slip groove at the bottom of the body prevents the string from slipping.


[サイズ]重量62g 外径44mm 全高24mm


[付属]同系色の専用紐1本 取扱説明書

